“Everything happened in my life are what the universe speaking to me”In Chao’s opinion, the most important way to learn is to experience it and our life is where we can obtain experiences. Knowledge is just knowledge if you don’t experience this by yourself, it means nothing to you. So that’s why Chao always enlighten students through the common experiences comes from their lives to elevate their spiritual vision and wisdom.Mentor Chao started thinking the meaning of life since he was a child. When he met the Buddhism he was thinking go back to the source of all is his goal of life. However when he faced the issue of relationship he knows he’s not happy at all. He decides to face his life and find the ways to transcend issues. Thus, he get into the world of spititual energy healing, and this changed his life completely.In the beginning, he just want to heal himself and get rid of this problems. Later on, he find out the inner power and mission of life. He decide to answer the calling from universe; quit the police job I and become a Reiki and spiritual mentor to deliver the ways and wisdom of happiness and blessing.“ Everything we done, no matter to live more happily or for higher enlightenment, we just want to make ourselves better; so as the spiritual learning.In my opinion, what we have to learn eventually from all the spiritual or healing course is the inner wisdom in our true self. To know how perfect we are, to get back the power of ourselves, to know our real feelings, to answer the calling from your life and soul. Then live happily.
臼井靈氣導師(Usui Reiki Master)
卡魯那靈氣導師(Karuna Reiki Master)
古埃及能量療法導師(Sekhem Master)
國際自然能量發展協會 (INED)頌缽療癒師(Singing bowl healer of INTERNATIONAL NATURAL ENERGY DEVELOPMENT)